This production has been been postponed.
New dates coming soon.
Lyndon Samuel & AR Productions present
The Juniper Tree
A new musical based on the story by The Brothers Grimm
Music by Lyndon Samuel
Book and Lyrics by Robert Gould
The Juniper Tree is one of the most gruesome of the Brothers Grimm tales.
This musical presentation explores the themes based on the original story.
A father and his son’s lives, whilst still mourning the death of the boy’s mother, take a gruesome turn when a strange woman turns up in their lives. She plans for her daughter to inherit the father’s wealth by any means possible.
Rhys Benjamin, Kelsey Walsh, Julie Cloke, Wictor Koch, Emily Chesterton, Shaylyn Gibson
Praise for CLEOPATRA also by Lyndon Samuel and Robert Gould
“Lyndon Samuel has a moving and poignant score: songs like All the truths, Perfect imperfection, In your eyes I saw the stars, Loving Cleopatra, for example, are intense ballads that go straight to the heart, and so do the beautiful lyrics written by Robert Gould... with a timeless story and such a superb score, we are sure that the progress will be… the West End.” (Londontheatrereviews.co.uk)
Art: Alejandra Rojas www.aleroproductions.com

Show Times:
Tues to Sat at 7.30pm
Sun at 4pm (No performance Sun 12 April)
Running time approx.120 mins with an interval
Tickets: £20 / £18 Concession*
Previews 7 & 8 April - ALL Tickets £16
Allocated seating. Strictly No Latecomers Admitted.
*(Students: Unwaged: Over 60’s: Equity: Disabled: Lambeth Resident.)
This production has been postponed and anybody
who has purchased tickets will be contacted by
the Box Office in due course